The Badass Ballplayer Program
Mental Skills Training for Softball/Baseball players

A Badass Ballplayer is cool, calm and clutch under pressure. They compete hard, know how to deal with failure moments, are coachable, & excel on the field and in life. They do all of this while also being a good teammate.

Are you a parent of a high school softball or baseball player who wants to make the varsity team? Earn a spot on a Premier travel team? Earn a college scholarship?
Then Badass Ballplayer Program is made exactly for you!
Does your kid constantly struggle with...

How is your athlete supposed to reach that goal if she struggles with confidence, gets really nervous when she knows others are watching, struggles with fear of failure and perfectionism or is constantly being compared to other players through rankings, etc?   

Is it actually possible to play well under pressure without destroying their love of the game and becoming a ball of anxiety?!  
 I bet you’ve tried reading a few articles or made suggestions to your athlete, and nothing has quite worked, right?  

Why is it so nerve-racking for your kid to perform well under pressure? How can you support them but still make sure they are working hard and getting better without adding to the pressure? Is the constant battle to get “noticed” really worth the worry, the arguments, the pressure? 

 Can you really get noticed by coaches without spending every spare moment practicing and not having a life? As a parent, how do you help motivate and push your athlete to be at their best without inadvertently adding more pressure? 

 If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head, I might be able to help. 

 Hi! I’m Valerie Alston former Badass Ballplayer and current sport psychology professional…  

 While I don't claim to know it all, and I am aware that the youth sport landscape has changed since I graduated HS in 2002, I HAVE been in your kid’s shoes. I grew up playing travel ball in Southern California, competing in national tournaments all over the country. While the landscape around playing travel softball is different from when I graduated high school in 2002, I still understand the struggles of having the “weight of the world” on my shoulders trying to get school paid for. And while I eventually earned my sought-after-full-ride scholarship to play at the University of Minnesota (Go Gophers!), I certainly had a lot of mental and emotional struggles along the way. My interactions with my own parents and those of my teammates gave me insight on how to support a ballplayer in a way that provides accountability but also love, support and no additional pressure and worries. 

 In addition to having traveled this journey your athlete is on, I have also spent 14 years working for the Army helping thousands of Soldiers understand the mental and emotional side of performing at their best when it matters the most (Life and death). I am trained in sport psychology, positive psychology, resilience, counseling, health and wellness. With all of this knowledge and experience, I want to help athletes learn and master the mental process that will allow them to unlock their potential and get noticed!!! 

 But parents, I want to help you too!!! 
 I am making 3 assumptions about you: 
You love and care about your kid. 
You genuinely want what is best for them. 
You are doing the best you know how. 

 But here is what I know, even though all of the things I said above are true, sometimes the things you do, the way you interact with your athlete and their coaches are counterproductive to them and their success. In my experience, often parent’s well intentioned attempts to help motivate or coach, end up making it more difficult for your athlete to navigate pressure in productive and useful ways. 

 What I am offering is to help your athlete build mental toughness AND help you, help your athlete! And frankly, to help you enjoy the experience more. There is no reason you shouldn’t have a great time watching your kid play a sport they love!! 

 I want to help you and your kid be BADASS BALLPLAYERS and BADASS BALLPLAYER PARENTS  
 Let me show you how to support and encourage your athletes in a way that enables them to "play like a kid again" (carefree,loose and fun) and also teach them to be more confident, manage their nerves more effectively, and learn to overcome fear of failure and perfectionism that is destroying their growth and self-worth, help them be more coachable and develop faster, and ultimately be a better player so they can standout to college coaches, make varisty, or make the travel team.  

  Here is what I’m proposing.  

 I have built a step by step plan to guide your athlete from “a nervous nellie, streaky player” to a “calm, confident and composed Badass Ballplayer” in a 12 week program. 

At the same time, I’m going to work with you to help you move from “well intentioned missteps” to “effective and productive support” helping you to become a Badass Parent 

 No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take your kid who is a decent athlete but doesn’t do well under pressure, is super streaky or as soon as one thing goes wrong their play goes downhill, to an athlete who is less anxious, has more fun, still has a good relationship with you and most importantly plays well and GETS NOTICED!

You don't need to worry anymore because your problem is almost solved!

My Awesome Program Will Help Your athlete....
Benefit #1

More confidence and trust in your skills and abilities

Benefit #2

Freedom from excessive worry, fear of failure and unrealistic expectations

Benefit #3

Increase your consistency and ability to perform under pressure 

I've been where your kid is, struggling with confidence and pressure, and I want it to be easier for them!

12 Weeks of Daily Programing

 The Badass Ballplayer challenge, content delivered in daily video lessons with corresponding exercises/activities, through the APP.

Community Features 

Access to the Badass Ballplayer community. Connect with other athletes to discuss questions about content and get ideas, support. Chat directly with the expert to get advice and coaching specific to your situation.

Parent Facebook Group 

for parents to get their own content on how to support their elite athlete. 


Badass Accountability - Daily reminders, group chats features and community forums to help you stay on track.

Mental Workouts Additional Mental Workouts of the day (MWODs) that help you practice your badass mental skills.

Who is Badass Ballplayer For?
Are you a teenage athlete (or parent of an athlete) that needs help with: 
  • bouncing back more quickly from mistakes  
  • dealing with fear of failure and perfectionism  
  • staying motivated to train  
  • your body or nerves feeling “out of control”  
  • performing more consistently  

Are you motivated to work on all aspects of your mental & emotional game? 

If so, then the Badass Ballplayer was made for you!

Are you the kind of player/parent who...

Parents/Athletes who are serious about playing at the next level 

 Parents/Athletes must be willing to change the way you do things. 

Parents/Athletes must be determined to succeed.

Parents/Athletes must be open to new ways of thinking. 

Parents/Athletes must be able to take responsibility for their actions and their results. 

If you've said "YES" To any of , then you are exactly who I live to serve inside the Badass Ballplayer Program.

It's time to say "YES" and join!
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help you decide if Badass Ballplayer is right for you?

  • How is the program delivered?
    The Badass Ballplayer Program is delivered in the Toughness Trainer App that can be downloaded for free from you respective app store.
  • How soon do I get access?
    You can download the app right away. Set up your profile and choose the Badass Ballplayer Program in the learn tab. You will have immediately access to the get started section and it may take up to 24 hours to get access to the rest of the content.
  • How long do I have access to the program?
    While the program is designed to be completed in 6-12 weeks. The intent of the program is to do a lesson once a day. I realize this can be a challenge for your busy teen athlete so they have lifetime access to the content. They can come back as often as they like.
  • Do you have a refund policy?
    Not at this time. If you are worried about the cost of the program you are welcome to go straight to the Toughness Trainer app and pay for the monthly subscription ($49.99). This subscription gives access to multiple programs one of which is the Badass Ballplayer Program. You can try it for one month to see if you like the program. The subscription method only gives you access for as long as you are paying the monthly fee.
Get Instant Access to the Badass Ballplayer Program By Signing up Below!

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $150!
Add some personal coaching sessions to get more personal attentions and assistance applying what you are learning in the Badass Ballplayer Program.  These individual sessions would normally cost $60 per session. 

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($497.00)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    3 Pay $1703x $170.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xBadass Ballplayer$0

All prices in USD

Still Have Questions?

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